Toronto Mountain (Watch in HD)

Us Torontonian’s find ourselves cyclically encapsulated in everyday modern life, surrounded by new developments and technologies that cease to reflect the semblance of our origin. Toronto Mountain, poised 25 feet tall in contemporary cairn, recognizes the inexhaustible energy of nature within its relationship with the human being.


Designed by Ugo Rondinone and installed by our team, Toronto Mountain is accessible to the public’s eye conveying a surreal presence that enhances our community.

Maximizing Space, Minimizing Opportunity Cost

Oftentimes the traffic congestion in Toronto may make you wish you worked from home. Den Bosch + Finchley recently collaborated with architectural firm Audax to cut one of our clients commute time to near nothing.


Soon after realizing the recently purchased two-story Yorkville warehouse was too large for their plastic surgery clinic, our client was presented the idea of living upstairs. 16 months later, an Italian styled, 3’900 square foot flat stands directly above their workplace.


Highlighted by features such as a double-sided granite fireplace, a spacious custom walk in closet and a marble-everything master ensuite, this flat feels much more alike a luxury home than a second floor to an office.


For a better look, click here.




Toronto’s Cool and Beyond

Integrating contemporary architectural style into a classical surrounding is no simple project.

Recently recognized on the cover of Objekt International magazine, the Den Bosch + Finchley team has showcased the ability to create a balance of modern design and traditional style, amalgamating into a beautiful work of architecture.


Sophisticated, detail oriented and artistically inspired, this Toronto home represents the emphasis Den Bosch + Finchley places on a team approach to satisfy and exceed our clients expectations.

Market Street Completes Revitalization by Honouring Paul Oberman

The revitalization of three historical buildings, one new and a pedestrian focused street (a first in Toronto) is open for business. On June 4th, a ceremony was held to dedicate the completion of the block that encompasses Market Street from Front Street to The Esplanade to the visionary Paul Oberman. Please come enjoy the incredible atmosphere that emanate from these historic buildings.

Urban Toronto

Globe and Mail Article – June 2

Globe and Mail Article – June 4

Tastes of Market Street

photo Oberman Tribute